Many people break up in January

5 min readJan 25, 2024


I heard that January every year is the peak breakup period for people who are in love.

Those small conflicts accumulated in daily life have been accumulating until the end of the year, and it is inevitable that they will completely explode before the holiday.

So some people always say that January is the month of farewell.

Endless fights, endless relationships, and people you can’t keep, you have to say goodbye at the right time, so that when the new year comes, you can turn the page and start over.

Photo by Mayur Gala on Unsplash

There are several friends around me who have suddenly become single again recently.

When asked about the reasons, some of them were caused by irresolvable quarrels over the past few festivals, and some of them had already faded away, and they were just dragging each other to make decisions.

Now that the old things are over, the idea of ​​”wanting to put an end to the bad relationship” suddenly took over, so everyone invariably reflected on their own lives.

She said that she didn’t want to shed tears for this person in 2024. He said that he never wanted to have to empty his pockets for his vanity in 2024.

The newlyweds who were involved in getting married earlier seemed to have failed to reach an agreement in the end because the two families plotted against each other. The other girl who was still in love didn’t realize until she made New Year’s plans that she didn’t see her in the other’s future.

When I think about it occasionally, I inevitably feel a little sad.

It is said that Chinese people are nostalgic and long-term, but they also know that they cannot celebrate the New Year with baggage.

So no matter whether it’s a quarrel or a quarrel, since a relationship is destined to never be repaired, the best result is to say goodbye neatly. Perhaps only by leaving the wounds in the cold winter can we have a chance to rush towards spring-like new life.

Probably in many people’s minds, January is the real end of the year.

For those who are in a relationship, the word “end” seems to mean a deeper problem. It makes you have to calm down and think about whether this relationship is still possible.

During the last hot pot party, my friend Dachuan sighed and said that he didn’t want to spend time like this forever. He felt like he was just a choice for people to live their lives, and it was not a matter of love or not.

Originally, we planned to speak out to persuade him, but after he finished speaking, everyone fell silent.

After all, love is something that one knows oneself about. You can hear the complaints and bitterness, but you can never know how he feels through every moment of his life .

When the show was over, Dachuan said he wanted to go for a walk, so we said goodbye at the door. I saw him raise his cell phone not far away, and then the white breath continued to float in the night sky.

I thought it must have been a very important call because he said he had decided to spend this year on his own.

There are many people in this world who regard the beginning of the new year as welcoming the new year, but there are also many disappointed people in this world who use up all their energy to say goodbye to the old year at the beginning of the year. Because between cutting losses in time and making up your mind to turn the page, there is often a bitter pill swallowed with tears throughout the year.

In fact, it sounds weird that love will hit you at a special time, but don’t forget that love itself is a subject that needs to be reviewed from time to time.

In the past year, will we still take care of each other wholeheartedly when he is sick, and will we fulfill our promises on a day worth celebrating?

Do we still spend time doing the things we like with each other in our busy work lives? Will we be able to chat on a small topic until late at night like before, and even enjoy it?

I often feel that reflection on love is also a part of love, whether it happens every day or at the end of the year.

Because any relationship that wants to last for a long time must stop and look back from time to time, so as to recalibrate our sincerity, sincerity and love for each other based on the current state.

Although people always like to joke about whether they keep it for the New Year or not, their words are crude but not crude.

The more days like this, the more seriously you need to take your own feelings, and then divide them when they should be divided, and break them off when they should be. Perhaps only in this way can life be filled with more possibilities.

After all, adult life is not just about weighing the pros and cons, but also the ability to end all unworthiness with magnanimity.

I would like to say to those who are still hesitating or even unclear about the direction, if you are with this person, you will always cry more than you laugh, and the feeling of being loved will become less and less and thinner.

If you feel like the person next to you is pulling you into a whirlpool every time you move forward, it’s time to leave a painful relationship.

Rather than not knowing what is right and what is good, the most important issue in love is that you must not be so confused that you cannot tell what is wrong.

So, it’s enough to be reluctant and reluctant to stay in 2023. Now that the new bell has sounded, why not endure the pain and put an end to the love that can’t end well.




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